Saturday 25 June 2011

Day 69 - Swimming with Whale Sharks

Jasper:I SWAM WITH A WHALE SHARK!!!!! I really did and it was huge (about 6 or 7 metres) and we were in the really deep blue ocean. I had been waiting for this since the start of the trip and then we did it. First we had a practice snorkel were we saw a sting ray and Em saw a turtle. Then we went out past the reef and out to sea. We had to wait a bit before they spotted one but while we waited we saw hump back whales, turtles, jellyfish and birds diving into the water to catch fish. We swam with two whale sharks but jumped in the water three times. The first time I swam with it for about ten minutes and it was huge, then the second one was a different whale shark and it swam really fast so it was hard to keep up with and the last one swam under us which was cool. Kate, Em and I loved it while Steve stayed back with Mads. It was a dream come true and someone got a video of it and sent it to us.
It was unbelievably, Awesomly, beautifully, magnificently, amazingly a dream come true.


Just before we lept in to chase the whale shark

Everyone racing to keep up with the whale shark - that's the whale shark at the back

J & E to the right

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jasper, What an "amazing" time you are having -- swimming with whale sharks must be the best thing you have ever done!! Sounds really scary but I think too much fun to be scared. So good you are such good swimmers ..all those awful laps in the pool with swimming squad were worth it after all!!!
    Masses and masses of love
