Wednesday 27 April 2011

Day 13 (26 April) - Sunset anniversary drinks at Ayers Rock

Today Steve woke up early and went to see the sunrise over Ayers rock. When he got back he gave Kate a present because it is there wedding annereversary! Then we drove around the spectacular rock which was really red and had lots of magnificent caves. It was really magical so we did one of the shorter walks to Ayers rock which was even better. There where deep dark caves, sheer red cliffes and Awesome waterholes. Then we went to the cultural centre and learned heaps. Then we went back to the caravan park.

Day 15 (28 April) - Kings Canyon

Kate: Maddy's 3rd birthday. A day of attention, presents, playing "Mums and Dads" (my least favorite game EVER), swimming in the pool and a birthday party with balloons and cake. A very happy girl which was great!!!!
Kings Canyon is truly spectacular. I was worried it would not live up to my memories of 15 years ago but it has! So different this time because everything is so green. Locals are very happy as this has kept the dust storms down this year!!!
Only freaky thing was the sound of dingoes howling like wolves at night. There are warning signs everywhere about dingoes and wild dogs, but it is not until it is dark and you are in bed, with everything deadly quiet except for this really load howling - like they are just outside the caravan, that you are wary. Kids slept through most of it thankfully but it did wake me up all night!

Day 14 (27 April) - Yulara & The Olgas

Em at The olgas

Day 12 (25 April) - Yulara & Ayers Rock

Red, red dirt

Mt Connor
Today we woke up to see everyone gone. They were all out early. So we decided to pick up the pace and get going. The drive was to Ayers Rock (Uluru) and it had a massive change of scenery from red to really really red. When we were nearly there, Steve thought he saw Ayers Rock, but when we stopped it was actually Mt.Conner which was still pretty good. So we got back in the car and started driving again but then only a few minutes later Steve spotted Ayers Rock, the real thing! When we got to the caravan park Kate and Steve were both blown away by the great view. Then we went to the pool and the park for a bit. After that Emily and I found a really good dune to watch the sunset over Ayers rock, so while Kate cooked dinner Emily and I went up to watch the sunset over Ayers rock it was Awesome! then went back to a yummy dinner.

Day 11 (Easter Sunday) - Cooper Pedy to Kulgera Roadhouse

Today we woke up and it is EASTER!!! We all got heaps of easier eggs and had heaps of fun. Then Emily, Kate, Maddy and I went deep under ground to the very bottom of the hotel were the backpackers stay. After we did that we went for yet another long, bumpy drive to Kulgera. When we finally got Kulgera which wasn't much at all in fact it was only a petrol station outside a pub connected to a caravan park. We hung around a bit then went and had dinner at the pub. It was good and as Steve and I played a game of pool Maddy, Kate and Emily started there delicious dinner. It was all great with that classic Kulgera.

Day 10 (23 April) - Coober Pedy

Active opal fields of Coober Pedy

Em testing the "Rock blower"

Day 9 (22 April) - Outback Williams Creek

Today we got up and started driving to Williams Creek. It was another long boring drive (9 hours) with a stop at Maree. Maree was like a ghost town with an old train to play on. But then we got to William Creek and set up then went to the restaurant, it was really nice.

Oodndatta Track

Kate: Most spectacular drive through Flinders Ranges and then onto Oodnatta Track.  Stopped at Lake Eyre - with water.  Pretty amazing.  Williams Creek Pub a classic old outback pub. Just magic.

Day 8 (21 April) - Last night at Rawnsley Park

a Euro

Today we drove back to Rawnsley Park not using the scenic route. When we got back Emily and I climbed a big hill full of rocks and it was Awesome. Then had dinner and went to bed. Today was pretty short but anyway goodbye.

Day 7 (20 April) - Arkaroola

Sillers lookout - the car drove right to that point!

Today we woke up in Arkaroola and Steve, Emily and I did an Awesome 4x4 trip. I really liked it, especially the last stop at an awesome cliff. When we got back Steve convinced Kate to go on the 4x4 tours and Maddy, Emily, Steve and I went to the pool. When my mum came back we had dinner then I made Steve let me ask if Kate and I could go on the observatory tour tonight and guess what we could! It was Awesome, Amazing and Brilliant.We saw the moon, Saturn, the middle star of the handle of the saucepan, different coloured stars and Kate's new favourite word - a Globular cluster. 

Day 6 (19 April) - Arkaroola Wilderness Sanctuary

Today we left the caravan but still drove somewhere. We went to Arkaroola via a bad, dumb scenic route which was supposed to be fun but wasn’t. Except when we stopped at a river bed to have lunch and throw rocks into the tiny pool of water. When we got there we had dinner with the Crandals (Sophie, Max, Ninny and Peter). Then we tried to do the observatory but it was too cloudy. So we went to bed.

The rough ride was worth the view
Note from Kate - the scenic route was beautiful although longer than planned! Kids were very patient on the very bumpy, uncomfortable ride to Arkaroola.  Thanks goodness we left the van at Rawnsley Park! Amazed to have coincided with Ninny and family.  Arkaroola is soooooooooo remote.

Day 5 (18 April) Flinders Ranges - Wilpena Pound

Today was amazing! We went to Wilpena Pound which is a big circle of mountains. That   is spectacular site so we did a magnificent walk in to the valley and up the ridge. I saw an awesome lizard that is really brightly coloured called a painted dragon. When we got to the top there was the best view ever! There were trees, mountains and a really cool valley. But before we went we saw an emu right in front of us and we followed it until it went off the path. Then we went home and that’s it.
Steve carrying a tired Maddy ALL the way up AND down

The magnificent Flinders Ranges

Day 4 (17 April) Broken Hill - Rawnsley Park (Flinders Ranges)

Thursday 21 April 2011

Broken Hill

Lunch venue!

Broken Hill
Today we don't have to go on a drive,luckily. But we still have fun! First we went to the Day Dream Silver Mine in Silverton. At the mine we decided to go on a tour in the mine which turned out to be AWESOME! We got geared and went in. First we saw how hard it was for the miners and then we went deeper. In fact we went 30 metres deep. When we got out we went blind for a few minutes. After that we went in to Silverton the town for some lunch. The first place we went to was full surprisingly because Silverton is really small. Then we went to the pub. We went past the Mad Max museum (Mad Max was filmed here along with Razor Back and other commercials). When we got to the pub the kids had hot dogs and  mum and dad had sandwiches. Then we went back to the caravan for Maddy's sleep but my dad, Emily and I went to a massive pile of dirt called a a tailing. There was a cafe there so we had something to eat,then we went to the miners memorial which was pretty good. After that we went to an art gallery called Pro Hart. I really liked it even though I don't usually like art galleries. Then we came home and played a bit then had dinner and went to bed. So that brings us to the end of another day.

Day 2 - 15 April Swan Hill - Broken Hill

Dinner in Broken Hill

 Today we got up and got straight down to the next drive,packing up and getting in the car. This drive is a really long seven and a half hour,that's even longer than the last. I counted that the drive was 498Km long. The scenery was grass, bushes and a few trees all the way to the horizon so it was really boring looking out the window. I drew,read and listened to music on my ipod, while my sister (Emily) read and wrote in her diary, also my dad (Steve) drove all the way,then my other sister (Maddy) had a sleep and talked a lot,my mum (Kate) looked out the window all the way even though it was so boring. When we got there it was around six so we went out for dinner, it was really yum. So that's another day gone,goodbye.

Friday 15 April 2011

Day 1 - 14 April Melbourne - Swan Hill

We have finally done it! Started our family adventure. A dream of Kate's that is finally a reality! The five of us in a van, on the road, school and work far far behind us......whoo hoo!!!!! You will be hearing a lot from Jasper who is in charge of daily updates.

Now it's me Jasper. The first drive was a long six hour drive,I counted that we did 322Km.We arrived at 3:30 and the kids got straight down to fun, going on a jumping pillow while Kate and steve set up the caravan. Next the kids went and hired bikes to ride around the caravan park,Emily and I really liked it while Maddy went back to caravan half way through.Then Emily and I came back to a nice set up caravan and some yummy fish and chips. After that we made are way to bed and tryed to go to sleep Emily, Steve and I succeeded but Maddy coudn't get to sleep and kept Kate awake. So that raps up our first day.