Tuesday 5 July 2011

Day 82 - The Pinnacles

Kate: A sentimental day. Our last sight before we arrive in Perth and what a fabulous place to end our natural attractions experiences - The Pinnacles. Made most famous by the Qantas advertisement with all those children hiding behind them!! So yes - we needed the obligatory "shot" of everyone peeking out. Quite amazing tourist experience, because, unlike when Steve was here last, you are now able to drive right through the Pinnacles, stop the car at various spots and wander through. They are a young natural attraction compared to others we'd been to - being only 50,000 years old!

Arriving in Perth was a bit of a shock to the system.  We hadn't seen a traffic light for a month or so.  The caravan park was advertised as the closest to the city - but is also the closest to the airport.  Thank goodness for ear plugs.  It was soooooooooooooooooooooo cold last night - zero degrees in our pop out bed.  Yep - Steve and I agreed we are definitely ready for some solid walls to sleep within.

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